Important Dates:
- December 20, 2021: First call for workshop papers
- January 18, 2022: Second call for workshop papers
- February 15, 2022: Submission deadline for ARR*
- February 28, 2022: Workshop paper due date (standard submissions via the OpenReview Workshop Portal)
- March 22, 2002: Commitment deadline for ARR submissions with reviews
- March
2630, 2022: Notification of acceptance - April
1015, 2022: Camera-ready papers due - May 27, 2022: Workshop date at ACL
All deadlines are 23:59 UTC-12.
*In addition to standard submissions, submissions which were previously submitted to ARR and reviewed there can be committed to the workshop (together with the reviews) not later than 22 March 2022. We suppose that all papers submitted to ARR until 15 February 2022 will be reviewed by 22 March (see ARR timeline), however we cannot guarantee it because it depends on ARR editors and not on us.